Our factories
A few times a year we travel to our partner factories, to engage and discuss the new potential products that they are bringing to the market. Here at FTG, we have a fantastic understanding of what will be a great-selling product here in the UK, you can be certain to have a continuous flow of new products throughout the year.
Actona Group is an ambitious global furniture partner. Actona Group is based in Denmark and has headquarters, a showroom, and one of two European distribution centers located right outside the city of Holstebro. Actona develops affordable furniture that seamlessly blends contemporary design with a Scandinavian touch. With a global perspective, Actona offers a commercial, wide, and comprehensive product range.
About Actona here www.actonagroup.com
Located predominantly in Denmark and one production facility in Poland, Tvilum is one of the world's leading manufacturers of ready-to-assemble furniture. Annually, they produce approximately 5 million pieces of furniture globally. Furniture To Go, is pleased to represent Tvilums furniture here in the UK.
About Tvilum here www.tvilum.com
Established in 1986, Wojcik consists of three modern factories, which specialize in flat-pack furniture. Located in Poland, delivering to over 20 countries, guaranteed to provide high-quality products which are made, transported, and delivered to the customer within as little as 4 weeks (from their warehouse in Poland to UK home address).
About Moeble Wojcik here: www.meblewojcik.com
Forte is one of the largest European manufacturers of self-assembly furniture. They have proudly been creating comfortable, safe, and functional furniture for more than 30 years. The diversity and originality of collections, brings with it 600 new designs per year, with over 5 million pieces of furniture manufactured by its 3500 employees, across its 4 factories in Poland.
About Forte here www.company.forte.com
Baltic Sofas
A Danish-owned company which is located in Lithuania. They are known for producing high-quality sofas. All craftsmanship is handled in a highly skilled and efficient way. They work with major suppliers and are always looking for new opportunities to develop and design new sofas.
About Baltic Sofa here: www.balticsofa.com